LOLER stands for (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998).
This regulation simply aims to reduce the risks to people’s health and safety at work sets out the legal requirement to safeguard people’s health and safety while using any workplace lifting equipment. LOLER also requires that all equipment used for lifting is fit for purpose, appropriate for the task, suitably marked and, in many cases, subject to statutory periodic ‘thorough examination’. Records must be kept of all thorough examinations and any defects found must be reported to both the person responsible for the equipment and the relevant enforcing authority.
Under LOLER, the ‘thorough examination’ should be carried out by a competent person, who has the relevant industry experience, and knowledge, and thoroughly understands what to inspect. The competent person would be able to spot any sign of weakness or damage that could be a present or potential hazard.

LOLER examination & reporting requirements
LOLER examinations are required at least twice a year for passenger lifts.
LOLER examinations are required once per year with lifts intended for goods only.
Additional examinations are required if lifts are subject to substantial or significant changes.
The examination date, day, and time must be clearly indicated.
The due date for the next examination should be clearly stated.
Record and report any defect(s) found that are dangerous or could become so in future.
Who does LOLER apply to?
Regulation 9 of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) requires that all lifts provided for use in work activities are thoroughly examined by a competent person at regular intervals. This applies to lifts and hoists used to lift people or loads.
If you are a lift owner or someone responsible for the safe operation of a lift used at work, such as a facilities manager or supervisor, you are a ‘duty holder’ under LOLER. This means that you have a legal responsibility to ensure that the lift is thoroughly examined and that it is safe to use.
Passenger lifts used by people at work
Passenger lifts and combined goods / passenger lifts in workplaces (e.g., offices and factories) which are primarily used by people at work, are subject to periodic thorough examination and inspection, as required by LOLER and PUWER overview.
Passenger lifts used by the public
LOLER (and PUWER) may not apply where a passenger lift is not used by people at work (e.g., in public areas of a shopping centre)., But if the lift is operated by or to some extent under the control of an employer or self-employed person in connection with their business, they still have some responsibility for the health and safety of people they don’t employ. This includes members of the public who use the lift and those people who may work on or inspect the lift.